Dear Thailand,
What have you done to me?
I’ve only been here for 10 days, and already so much has changed.
I eat seaweed chips and salmon chips and I ENJOY them
I call them crisps now (as a reflex from spending so much time with friends from the UK/SA)
I ate fresh (cooked) fish with its head still on it. (It was looking at me)
AND it was delicious
I learned what a beach braai is (barbeque; South African speak)
I prefer that word to barbeque; like crisps that terms also comes naturally now.
I stopped wearing makeup
I stopped caring about if I smell (we all do)
I don’t complain about the heat (THAT much)
My skin is 14 different shades of red, pale and tan and it doesn’t even matter
I stopped getting 25 mosquito bites a day
I now call mosquitos mozzies (its so much cuter)
I eat weird fruits (durian, jackfruit, rambutan, dragonfruit and papaya)
Food stalls on the side of the road are my favorite thing
I’ve stopped questioning sanitation
I’ve used a squat toilet
I talk openly about poop
I pick up a new weird snack at the 7-Eleven every time I go
I’ve been to the 7-Eleven more times in the last ten days than I have in my entire 23 years
I can’t live my life without a Tesco, when 10 days ago I didn’t even know what that was. (Far superior to Wal-Mart in every way)
I only drink whiskey or beer, as far as alcohol goes.
I’ve recovered from hangovers in only ONE HOUR in the sun
I’ve never sweat so much in my life (and been so comfortable with it)
90+ degrees and a sea breeze is now considered SO refreshing
88 degrees in the nighttime is now considered cool
I can sleep with sand in my bed
I can sleep without air conditioning (which I’ve also taken to calling aircon)
I’ve learned that getting caught in the rain isn’t always a bad thing
But most importantly:
I’ve learned to start thinking positively
I’ve learned to relax
I’ve learned to take it one day at a time
I’ve learned that stress need not exist
I believe that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out in the end
I’ve learned to embrace uncertainty, laugh instead of crying, and seize adventure
I’ve learned that you can have a DMC (deep meaningful conversation) with someone you just met
I’ve learned that everyone has their own baggage/demons/struggles/insecurities
I’ve learned that you can meet your soul mates and become a family within 5 days of being together
I’ve met some beautiful people inside and out and became best friends in a matter of days
I’ve talked to these people about things that I haven’t told my friends I’ve known for years. I’ve laughed, cried, reassurred them, shared my fears and insecurities AND told them I love them all within a week
My TEFL group is amazing.
I’m going to miss them. I hope I see you in another life, brother.
These bonds have changed my life. This group of people is amazing and wonderful as a whole and each person individually.
Life is terrible, sad, heart wrenching, unfair and hard.
But this life is beautiful.